Friday, May 21, 2010

How to Get Rid of Eczema in 2 Simple Steps

Eczema, also known as dermatitis, can be one of the most painful skin conditions to live with. It's itching, flaking, blistering, redness, oozing and even bleeding can make day to day activities uncomfortable to perform. It can affect everything you do and even can play a role in what type of clothing you wear. In other words, eczema can cause certain restrictions in an every day atmosphere.

Does this sound like you? Are you tired of being a prisoner in your own body, unable to do certain things because you're afraid your eczema is going to flare up? Are you sick of prescription creams that just don't fix the problem? If this is so, I've got some good news - You can eliminate your eczema (or at least start the process of eliminating it) in two simple steps.

1) Get some gauze and epsom salts from your local grocery store. Mix the epsom salts with equal parts of warm water and let the gauze soak in the water for a few minutes. After the gauze has been soaking for awhile, take it out and wrap it tightly around the affected areas of your skin for 20 to 30 minutes.

2) Once the time is up on the epsom salt wraps, get some chamomile oil and apply it to a cotton pad. Rub this evenly over the affected areas that you just had wrapped. This will help to restore moisture in the skin and relieve the pain and itching sensation.

Those two, all natural methods of treatment will help you get a head start in getting rid of your eczema, and help you start gaining back control of your life!

How do I know this? You see, I was an eczema sufferer for years, wasting money on all sorts of medicines, creams and treatments, until I finally found a cure. Learn more about how to cure your eczema at this website, Beat Eczema.

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